Grassroot Festivals


Manitoba Soccer's Grassroots Festivals have teamed up with Canada Soccer's Active Start Fest to provide players, and coaches of all levels in the province opportunity to come together in a FUN, safe, developmentally appropriate & inclusive environment. Festivals follow the CSA's Long-Term-Player-Development(LTPD) Model meaning there are no scores, standings or medals. The purpose of the Festival is  to provide a safe learning platform for players to be creative and to express themselves in game formats.


What's different about the Grassroots Festival's?


Game Leaders- There are no referees at the festival, instead a team coach, manager, parent, or sibling manages the games.

Kick-in's/Dribble in's- No time wasted on throw-ins, players simply place the ball on the touchline and play.

Developmentally Appropriate- No scores, standings, championships, or medal for 12 years old and younger.

Open Rosters- Players have the freedom to play for any team throughout the event.

3 up/1 down Rule- If a team is 3 goals ahead the opponents can add a player to create a numerical advantage.


 Manitoba Grassroots Guidelines- Festival Format

 If you have any questions or would like host a festival in your community contact the Grassroots Team . Please state your name and soccer organisation in the email.

Upcoming Events

Apr. 18, 2025

Good Friday
Our office is closed due to the Good Friday. See you next week!

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