Manitoba Soccer's Grassroots Festivals have teamed up with Canada Soccer's Active Start Fest to provide players, and coaches of all levels in the province opportunity to come together in a FUN, safe, developmentally appropriate & inclusive environment. Festivals follow the CSA's Long-Term-Player-Development(LTPD) Model meaning there are no scores, standings or medals. The purpose of the Festival is to provide a safe learning platform for players to be creative and to express themselves in game formats.
What's different about the Grassroots Festival's?
Game Leaders- There are no referees at the festival, instead a team coach, manager, parent, or sibling manages the games.
Kick-in's/Dribble in's- No time wasted on throw-ins, players simply place the ball on the touchline and play.
Developmentally Appropriate- No scores, standings, championships, or medal for 12 years old and younger.
Open Rosters- Players have the freedom to play for any team throughout the event.
3 up/1 down Rule- If a team is 3 goals ahead the opponents can add a player to create a numerical advantage.
If you have any questions or would like host a festival in your community contact the Grassroots Team . Please state your name and soccer organisation in the email.
Good Friday
Our office is closed due to the Good Friday. See you next week!