Discipline & Appeals

General Discipline Information

The Manitoba Soccer Association conducts a discipline program (hearings) and circulates the discipline guidelines and policies. The Manitoba Soccer Association is mandated by Canadian Soccer Association to deal with all incidence involving physical contact, attempted physical contact or threatening officials. Day to day disciplinary matters are dealt with by disciplinarians of various leagues / associations. While discipline procedures may vary among leagues and associations, the information below would be the general practice.

The following are the steps involved when a player receives a red card:

  1. When a player is given a red card (sent off, ejected) his/her Player I.D. Card is kept by the Referee and sent to the league / association disciplinarian along with the Referees Report on the incident. The player / coach / team official would then appear before the league / association disciplinarian at a time and place determined by the league / association. Clubs should find out from their league / association when and where discipline hearings are held. Clubs / teams should be aware of the disciplinary process of their league / association so that they can inform their players.
  2. Once the player has appeared at a hearing and received his/her suspension their ID card will be returned to them when the suspension is completed. Because the ID Card will not be returned to the player until any suspension is served the Player will not be able to play for any team in any league until the suspension is over.
  3. If the incident involves an assault or threatening a referee the matter is dealt with by the Manitoba Soccer Association. Teams and players will be notified of the time and date of the hearing. The Referee and / or the Association will inform your Club that an assault report is being filed. The person alleged to have threatened or assaulted the Official will be suspended from all soccer activity pending a hearing.

MSA Code of Conduct Policy

Manitoba Soccer Association Disciplinary Code (MSADC)

Starts on Page 18 of the MSA Rules and Regulations

 MSA Rules & Regulations (January 16, 2025)
 MSA Disciplinary Code (January 16, 2025)
 MSA Disciplinary Code Mandatory Minimums (January 16, 2025)


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