Become a Referee




MSA Referee Courses

People wishing to become Referees must pass an Entry Level Course. The MSA hosts Entry Level Referee Course annually to prepare for the outdoor season. 



District referee training for individuals aged 14 or older before March 31st consists of both an online segment developed by Canada Soccer, followed by an in-person component led by Manitoba Soccer. By successfully completing the course new referees will be eligible to Officiate U9 to Senior - Developmental, Recreational & Competitive Soccer

Instructions on how to take the online portion : 

  1. Go to the Canada Soccer Shopify page.
  2. Select either the French or English course and proceed with the payment of this course.
  3. Once Paid you will receive a SmarterU access key which will allow you to register with SmarterU and take the course.
  4. You can either go back to the Shopify page and click on the “Training Login” button which is beside the Referee Education button, or you can go to Canada Soccer SmarterU by clicking here
  5. Under the space for the login details there is text that says, “If you have an access key, register for an account.”. You will need to complete the registration process and then you will have access to take the course.
  6. If you do not receive your access key, please contact 

Please be sure to save your PDF certificate provided upon completing the online course. When clinic registrations become available, you'll be required to submit this certificate as part of the registration process.



New In-Person Entry-Level Clinics are coming soon! 

We are currently organizing more in-person clinics for March and April 2025. Create an account if you haven't and join the waiting list below to be contacted when they open!

Step 1: Follow the link -> In-person Clinic Waitlist

Step 2: Log into your account, or create one if you don't have one. 

*IMPORTANT* Create an account using your PRIMARY email address. This is the same address you will have to use when officially registering for the season.


Step 3: Click on "Camp and Clinic Registration".

Step 4: Register for the clinic titled "Entry Level -- ELC 2025 Waitlist".

Step 5: Choose the account member, and make sure all the information is correct. Click Continue.

Step 6: Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click "Submit Registration"

You are now on the waiting list, and you will be contacted upon the opening of new in-person entry-level clinics.





District Entry Level Clinics


Out of Winnipeg Clinics
















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Apr. 18, 2025

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